Fear of missing out even during the pandemic

Rishikesh mane
2 min readApr 24, 2021
Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

I was never an outgoing person in the first place, more of a semi-introvert came to the party if someone took me with them, as my ability to say no was non-existent I always found myself on a bizarre adventure that tested my limits and it amazed me of what I was capable of. Well, then the pandemic hit, and everything just stopped, I being the optimistic person I am decided to look on the bright side, I could work on myself, work out, write, learn to cook, etc….

As my plan of becoming a bodybuild who could cook Michelin star recipes and write vivid scripts was going well but as November grove closer the lockdown started to lax, people started to travel again and my Instagram was filled with photos of people trekking, surfing, go on long rides, all sorts of deeds

And that when I realize even though I was never really fond of them. I still missed them. They had become an important part of my life. It made me feel alive, and in the process made me the person I am today.

It's not the activities that I miss, it's the memories that share, the experiences that I had, and I hope that I get to add to them soon

